Fairwind Farms Dressage Show Results

A lovely two day rated dressage show hosted by Sue Curry and Fairwind Farms with the perfect atmosphere for horses moving up some levels and working on developing their scores. Brannon, Debbie and Eric all showed, along with Assistant Jaclyn Pepper.


Eric and Apollo: 2nd level test 1 scoring and winning both his classes with a 65% and a 64%.

Eric and Wynton: Scored a 64% at 4th1 for their highest score to date at that level.

Brannon and Womanizer: Showed 3rd3, a new level for the two and was able to add 3 point between both days. 

Debbie and Weston: Got back in the show ring at I-1 after a little hiatus and although the tempi's were way more than required she had a huge improvement in the ring all around. 

Job well done to all and next stop is the Regional Adult Amateur Competition  in Vacaville with Brannon and Eric. Lots of luck!